Friday 1 April 2022

Be Careful What You Wish For

The scheduling system at work got fixed, so all the overtime was available. I got excited and decided to grab it while I could. I managed to grab a morning shift on the same day I was already working the afternoon. I now have a much longer day coming up than I would like, and am thoroughly annoyed with myself.

I went off to the Big Orange Supermarket near my work since I had a voucher to spend if I use one of those hand-held guns to DIY my shopping, so I decided to give it a go. Ladies and gentlemen there is NOTHING convenient nor easier nor faster about those stupid guns. I tried switching to the scanning app on my phone, but even signing in sucked, requiring me to memorise an 11-digit number because despite signing in with my password, it didn't know my loyalty card number and there was no way to scan it in. Who designed this system, one that has no consideration for the actual poor person using it - Rishi Sunak?

Anyway, you need two hands for the scanning (ugh), I didn't get my bonus voucher (I think it just expired), I forgot a few things because I was annoyed, I struggled with the stupid payment system at the checkout area, and it was definitely slower and harder than just taking a basket into the self-scan.

Bonus points to the stupid customer who asked me where the herbs and spices are (I was dressed all in black, with no nametag or lanyard) and who didn't get it when I said I had no idea and put my eyes back onto my phone.

Yesterday's saving grace: my work was selling mini bumblebee solar lights for a fiver and I have treated myself. It's definitely something I can't afford, but I feel no shame. I need to fiddle with my phone settings to get a decent pic once it's dark, but this is the box to get an idea:

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