Friday 8 April 2022

Better Late Than Shiver

So there's been a guide published this week (a guide that nobody should need in 2022, but here we are). It's a guide on how to heat yourself if you can't afford to heat your home. I mean... there is so much that can be said for this but there aren't enough words to finish, if I get started.

The guide suggested buying a heated throw, but I didn't find one I liked. I had a £50 Amazon voucher to spend, and I figured an ordinary throw would do if it was actually warm - but since I can't warm a throw on my main heater (it can't be covered), I've bought a cheap, small oil heater for the purpose of throw-warming and I'm going to turn down my main heating.

The £30 Experiment - let's see how it goes. If I halve the use of the main heater it should pay for itself in a couple of weeks.

Dinner: I bought a four-pack of frozen chicken steaks from Big Orange supermarket the other day, and at £1.75 I was not optimistic of a taste sensation, but it was absolutely delicious. As was the budget chocolate bar. I cannot say the same for my home-made custard pots, which, despite being made according to the directions, never set, and are just small serves of runny sadness. 😂

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