Sunday 3 April 2022

Yay Power Bill!

Not really anything "yay" about it since it's so horrific, and it's actually more money than I even have in my bank account right now, or will have when it's due mid-April. Due to the change in tariffs starting April the 1st, I did have to put in an accurate reading to British Gas. It only took me seven tries, but ultimately I was successful - if you can call it successful to have generated a massive, massive bill. I can't even access my account at the moment since their website has fallen over under the strain - but I think I've managed to submit a thingy to request a payment plan to pay it off. If not, I suppose it'll go on the credit card and get paid off bit-by-bit that way. Meh.

I have given up my last Olio slot and am trying to eat all the free salad stuffs.

Very chilly here the last couple of days, and it even snowed a few days ago, which is patently ridiculous and unacceptable.

Spendy McSpenderson: I have bought a yearly "local's pass" to Eden Project for £16 since I've been meaning to go one day and this is cheaper than a single ticket. It will cost me about the same amount in fuel to get there, but I figure I have a year to figure that out!

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