Wednesday 27 April 2022

Old Lady Feels

Ow, crunch, oof, yeow, crrrrrack! I knew I had to take it easy for my first day back at the gym so I only did 10 minutes on the bike and 30 minutes of gentle walking. I came home, had a nap, and am now in total granny mode. I thought, I feel like a 90-year-old woman! And then I realised, no, I basically am a 90-year-old woman. This is the body I have built myself over the past few months and only I can reshape it into a functional one again.

Part of it will be because I figured out how to successfully sit while operating the till, which then means using core muscles more to reach things. Turns out that you really do need the upturned basket under your feet to avoid falling off the "perch" and it's not just "for the ones with tiny bums".

So I did a "big shop" the other day in both my own store and also the large one nearby, spending about £40 all up. It contained about two weeks' worth of dinners, plus (hopefully) most of the other things I should need. I couldn't help myself and bought a Chinese Pepper Steak fakeaway dinner and a Barbecue Chicken Pizza as treats for myself (both were reduced). Well viewers, I'm getting what I deserved, the fakeaway was edible but not delicious, and the pizza was really not nice. I might as well have had cheese on toast for all the actual chicken it included and the main flavour was just "pepper". #notrecommended

I've also bought a pack of cooked chicken pieces and a family-size lasagne, and the idea is to portion them up and prep myself some meals. I think both will be ok with throwing into the freezer, so that's the plan for my day off. Now I just need the motivation! 

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