Sunday 12 January 2020

The £10 Grocery Challenge - Almost There

Day 6

Breakfast - I bet you can't guess?

Wrong! I was incredibly lazy and just didn't feel like eating before work. I ate two biscuits. And of course, this meant that by 12pm I was absolutely starving and really looking forward to the cheese and crackers lunch with workmates :)

Part of every balanced diet.
Obviously I ate far too many and also ate some hot chips. They even tried to make me eat cheesy bread and mince pies with it. I would have burst, not to mention the food coma that I dragged around with me for the rest of the afternoon as I tried to get my work done!

It was also my sun rotation day and also our Secret Santa, so I was given some lovely things, including Lindt chocolates, which I started demolishing as soon as I got home. Healthy diet today, not!!!

Afternoon snack: a carrot, as I felt guilty from eating so badly today.

I really felt like nothing more than toast for dinner - despite the lack of anything nutritious today - but I compromised, and made scrambled eggs for it. While eggs aren't that exciting to me, if I save some frozen beef, I will have some variety next week. (Next week is Christmas - yes, this was written in the past - meaning there will probably be quite a few meals featuring leftover ham.)

So how exactly does one do scrambled eggs without a frypan? Well, there are different ways, but I cheat. It's actually microwaved eggs with a dash of milk and stirred every 20s as they cook. It's not perfect, but on toast, it'll do.

Day 7

Look, it isn't mixed dregs anymore. Behold! Shreddies! (Or at least, value range supermarket-branded unShreddies.)

Work again today, so I packed my trusty sandwich with lemon curd. I had just finished shovelling it down when my workmates brought out the cheese and crackers again. And the shortbread, the mince pies, and chocolate cake! I ate far too much (it was delicious) and then contemplated the fact that I was going to have a grim time undoing all this overindulgence in January :D

Yes, there's a potato under that.
Dinner made for a tough decision: fish fingers, or pizza, or beans on a baked spud? Evidence:

Baked potato, beans, sour cream (which unexpectedly came home from work free) and cheese (because after eating cheese for two days straight, I needed more cheese). A simple dinner but the meal I've enjoyed most for the entire week. And to think I'd been putting it off, thinking I'd enjoy the stews more!

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