Monday 20 January 2020

Walking Through Wet Cement

Inaccurate because not enough days.
That's a bit how January feels. Thirty days hath September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one excepting January alone which has ninety-three. Also, people get paid early in December and then January is a five-week month this year meaning one paycheque has to last seventeen weeks. (Yes, this is accurate maths.)

The survey sites have been a bit sleepy, it seems as if all the researchers are still snoozing from New Year :D But I'm still not putting in the effort that I could be. My 2020 Challenge is still looking really challenging right now... I will have to see if I can dig out some motivation to get my backside into gear!

I did a bit of decluttering of stuff - because goodness knows I haven't the space to keep excess stuff - and it is also nice to know what you do and don't have. Side effect is that I have located quite a bit that I can give to my son since he has arrived in town travelling light, and whatever we can avoid buying is a plus.

I'm currently slow-cooking a stew, because I've done far too much "cooking avoidance" of late. I also plan to make a cake during the week and use up some loitering ingredients. My grocery spending has been reasonably disciplined in January (lingering guilt from that Christmas spend) but if I don't make some kind of meal-making effort I will end up living on bread, and the weight will creep back up.

Speaking of which, my local council offers a discount scheme for those on UC, which includes a bunch of fitness and health stuff - I have asked UC to send me a letter proving I'm on their books. Then son and I plan to join a gym together. He can play with all the weird weight and resistance contraptions, I'll leave him to it and just walk on a treadmill for an hour.

61 free competition entries so far this year - phew. I know the odds are that I'll need to enter a thousand before I win, or maybe even two thousand, but I still can't help feeling, where's my car already 😁

Also - I found the smileys!

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