Monday 6 January 2020

The £10 Grocery Challenge - The Start

I realised (as I was taking the first few photos) that if I post a daily update, you're going to see a lot of identical pictures... so to save you from sleep, I'll condense things a little.

Day 0.5

I had to start half a day early due to delicious tzatziki needing eatering, so here is day 0.5's snacktime food.

As you can see there were grand plans to write Christmas cards for my workmates, and did I do them that day? No I did not. #procrastination

Includes hash browns, so it follows the rule
For dinner on day 0.5, I again caved in to deliciousness which was in no way healthy. In an attempt to stop myself from eating two pizzas, I ate a small pear and also cooked two hash browns for the plate. It worked, as in, I wasn't hungry afterwards, I was completely stuffed full and in fact it made me so tired that I narrowly avoided a carb coma.

Day 1

I like cereal. I have a lot of cereal in my flat. Have I mentioned that I have a lot of cereal in my flat? The biggest problem with this is that I don't like eating at breakfast time. This does not result in the cereal being used up. So for breakfast I "enjoyed" a random mix (shreddies chucked into some oats, with sunflower seeds, dried fruit and nuts). It is not a taste sensation, but it's edible.

I had errands to do today so my portable lunch was strawberry jam (from the fridge) on seeded bread. The jam, being from the supermarket bottom shelf, tastes less like strawberries and more like sugary water. The bread is absolutely lovely.

This afternoon I ate the other half of the tzatziki with crackers. It expired yesterday so it needed eating. I also had another pear.

It's apple juice.
Dinner is currently in my oven - I am making a beef stew (200g stewing beef from the freezer, a potato, half a carrot, one celery stick, half an onion, and a squirt each of tomato ketchup and brown sauce). It smells amazing! I will try to remember to post a picture tomorrow, since the leftovers will be tomorrow's dinner.

My meals are most assuredly not meeting my five a day. Truth be told I would struggle to get it all in, I simply don't eat enough. But I can definitely do better and the crackers didn't help - I should have had an apple! I am, however, drinking the last glass of apple juice from the fridge.

And I'd better take my vitamins...

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