Thursday 9 January 2020

Wear The Tight Trousers

Today I was trawling through the archives of Mr Money Mustache (as I am wont to do) when I came across a concept that I think is incredibly valuable.

MMM says: You can't cure obesity with bigger trousers.

To explain what he means, the vast majority of people say they need a car to get to work. Instead of living nearer to work, or working nearer to home, we drive - and spend a lot of time in those cars, resenting the time taken up sitting in traffic.

As MMM says, if you didn't solve this with a car, the problem would solve itself. You'd either save enough money that you wouldn't mind, or you'd get so fed up that you'd move either house or workplace.

His prime example is the high-flying executive working too many hours to eat properly or take care of his health. He puts on weight. His trousers are too tight, so he buys bigger trousers. MMM says, stop! Wear the tight trousers. They'll pinch, and continually remind you to eat properly, to make time for the gym.

The takeaway: Don't take the easy road out when it's bad news for you, health-wise (or financial-wise).

Fruit, a better option.
I read today of a young man contemplating bankruptcy. He had a £20,000 job costing £6,000 in travel expenses each year. He spent so many hours commuting that he was forced to spend a fortune on ready meals. He paid for dry-cleaning to look smart for his job.

He was solving all his crises with bigger trousers. Nobody had told him there were other options.

Just for a start, the "choice" to travel for this better-paying job. He'd save £8,000 if he just gave up the car and walked to work in a supermarket for minimum wage. I realise it might not be everyone's dream career. But when you're contemplating bankruptcy... you make choices. And you're making those choices even if you don't realise you've made them.

Look your crises in the face. Don't spend them way, contemplate them. Question them. Solve them.

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