Wednesday 29 January 2020


A different kind of yellow sticker.
New job is going ok. I still don't know what I'm doing, but the customers are being very patient with me on the till and my colleagues are being kind and helpful. It has the most exciting perk in the world, that of free food. As an Australian I think it is fitting that I graciously accept something that is going free, as is my duty.

The freebies this week... tomato and feta pasta salad, red grapes, 3x pots chopped mango, 3x dipping sauces, 6 eggs, 3x chocolate eclairs, ten bananas, 2x boxes of cupcakes, a tin of peaches, four BLT sandwiches, 5x fruit bagels, 3x pots cherry tomatoes, and a chicken korma meal. All either past their "best before" date or "use by" date, or have damaged packaging. So far I have still not died and there are no imminent plans for me to do so.

As not all of these are products/brands I would have bought, I'm not going to count the whole normal price as earnings in my challenge. But I will count an arbitrary amount that matches the food I would have bought (for example, I generally spend 10p per piece of fruit, so I'm counting the mango pots as 10p each). That means I've "earned" £13.00 from the freebies this week.

I also bought four reduced chicken kievs for £2.30, two custard tarts for 89p and six pints of milk for 38p this week.

Facebook is finally beginning to be a bit useful, in that the ads it serves me are now peppered with raffles. This is a Good Thing™ as it's helping me find more competitions to enter (I can't believe I'm actually pleased about seeing ads). I have cracked the "100 raffles" mark for January and it's only a matter of time before I drive away in something fancy 😆

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