Monday 22 August 2022


One kg down. I think. Or maybe it was just the scale deciding to be kind today. Great workout (or... walk-out). I've decided to aim for 10k steps on gym days and so far it's happened, bit of a hiccup when I missed gym twice in a row due to leaving my gym stuff at home! 😒 Dinner: Chicken salad with paprika seasoning. Checked off: Sweet & Sour Chicken with green beans is now portioned up and in my freezer. Several sandwiches prepped and stashed so that there's absolutely no reason to buy a delicious calorie-laden version at work instead. Feeling more organised than usual 😂

I know what comes next though... impatience. Wanting to move on all those items I listed the other day. (Checked my passport application... I am supposedly now half-way through the waiting time of ten weeks, providing nothing goes wrong, or they don't send it back saying a form is incorrect.)

Got approved for another card and it arrived today. I don't actually need it, but, it's a small increase in my overall available credit, which all helps in the long run. The only thing it will do is buy fuel each month, then will be paid off in full. In time let's hope for balance transfer offers.

In ten days' time there is a surveyor coming to measure all the apartments. I'm annoyed, because it means having my flat in a state where I would want to let someone in. But hey ho, I'll clean and tidy the place, and be embarrassed by my mismatched furniture and unpainted walls and shabby bathroom. Must remember how great it is to have a flat of my own.

Nobody seems to want to buy my plants. I'm considering taking some into the backyard and maybe hanging the baskets from the trees.

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