Thursday 25 August 2022

Stumbling Block

I am definitely 3kg down (which is great) but I'm also being attacked by cold sores. This is despite the multivitamins, four different tablets a day. I have ordered some l-lysine from the pharmacist near work, and will pick it up tomorrow. Yesterday at the gym didn't go so well, I ate the usual amount of calories for the day but I timed it badly, and after one mile I started to get wobbly. Stuck it out to reach the second one but then sent myself home early. I'm a bit disappointed, but every day is a new day and I'm still enthusiastic about getting the weight down, so that's a plus. Got my 10k steps in today though, walked along the sea front, past the carnival at dusk. My legs felt like lead from the first five minutes, but the atmosphere was lush!

I have (finally) had my booster vaccine, feel good so far, touch wood. 😏

I tried to start the process of renewing my British passport, but the online service said I would need to send all three of my passports in to apply for it. 😧 There is no way in HELL that I would trust them not to lose all three of my passports, nor do I even particularly want to be without all of them for three months (or longer) so now I'm waiting to find out whether I can make an appointment and drive half-way across the country for them to check the passports in person...

This prompted me to check the process for renewing my Finnish passport, which, you guessed it, requires me to drive half-way across the country to apply in person. Touch wood I can at least do both appointments on the same day. Right now I am slightly gobsmacked that the Australian one has been the simplest of the three... talk about a turnaround for the books. Let's hope it gets issued without any problems (been waiting six weeks now to find out).

Currently: tidying up and going through a mountain of "stuff".

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