Wednesday 3 August 2022

Unwanted Surprises

I am still getting (unwanted) surprises when it comes to Long Covid. I can smell more things nowadays, but there are still a bunch of things I simply don't detect, and I miss subtle scents completely. As an example, I bought some "Jasmine & Coconut" scented tea lights from Rival Bargain Shop a few weeks back, and I finally decided to burn them this morning. I know that in the shop I'd thought it smelled ok (without looking at the name of the scent) and today I couldn't detect either coconut or anything floral. What happened instead is that I began sneezing. I love hayfever.

Anyway, today I was not in the mood for yet another piece of fish or chicken, so I decided on a baked potato with beans and cheese. I was remembering how much I'd enjoyed it during my £10 Grocery Challenge. But my dinner was completely tasteless. And I'd been telling myself it was a treat! 😂 Since I still have three baking potatoes (and 5½ tins of tasteless fancy beans) I might try a dash of ketchup and a bit of salt next time. Or tuna & mayo instead of beans.

Trip Hazard: If you remember, I had decided to eat fewer protein bars and reintroduce ordinary snacks of 100-150 calories. This week I was restrained while shopping, I went home with sugar-free fruity water, low-cal marshmallow bars (7/10, would buy again) and some discounted fruit. I also grabbed a pack of small muffins. Big mistake, the energy info was unreadable so I thought "meh" and figured I'd look it up online later. Each muffin was a whopping 400 calories. A third of my target daily allowance. Well, I won't be losing weight this week.

Especially since I skipped the gym four times, before finally forcing myself back today! 😮

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