Saturday 21 October 2023


Another great (and very informative) antenatal class last night. One which jolted me a little bit on the things I should have already arranged or done. Mostly, the hospital bag isn't packed and really should be sorted out this week. But I also need to clean the new car seat and also the pram base.

I was determined to do so much organising today and then slept like microwaved garbage last night, so I am sitting down now with my second coffee of the day and trying to get myself more alert. The carpet is still damp in the area I had planned to do my rearranging in, meaning stuff is all over my bed instead, which is both annoying but good because it stops me trundling off for a four-hour nap 😁

Another couple of loads of washing done, mostly baby clothes. I don't just have too many, I have too many in the "spares, because I really don't need this many" pile. I did, however, manage to wash the cover and liner of the pram and also the bigger baby carrier, so that's a start.

Spendy McSpenderson: a pregnancy ball off Amazon (£9) and (gasp) a ticket to see Suede and The Manic Street Preachers next year at Eden (£72) - this one's my treat to myself and I can take kiddo with me, who I'm sure will cope ok in ear defenders and a portable bassinet. I might be living in cloud cuckoo land on whether she'll be chill about it all, but there are plenty of small kids at Eden Sessions gigs, it's not an especially loud venue to begin with, and we'll hopefully be able to use the "relaxed viewing area" for people with sensory needs, meaning I can sit with her and there's room for her to sit and sleep safely 😊

PostScript: Got two tickets into the "Relaxed Viewing Area" (at no charge and without even asking for two slots, or mentioning kiddo). Thank you, Eden!

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