Monday 9 October 2023

Sluggy Slugface

I actually cancelled on a social thing with my workmates today - I am feeling seriously sluggish and slept really poorly. It's so frustrating because I know I do need to get out and be around humans on a regular basis, but cursing one's insides is not the best when it comes to being good company.

Despite my self-imposed TV ban, I expect to go over my data limit tonight or tomorrow, which means being throttled to tin can speeds for a few days. I'm not even sure that the slower connection will make life functional on the game I'm desperately trying to hit payout for before the time limit arrives. We shall see.

In my Data Diet, I've been re-reading a blog that I love, The Escape Artist. Barney Whiter is an ex-corporate financial guru who "saved himself free" from the rat race using smart financial tactics. He now works as a freelance financial advisor - but only when he wants to - and his blog is really refreshing reading.

This morning is actually chilly enough to need the heater. I've got the blower on a quick blast, because the large slow one is currently piled in some stuff. Time to do more rearranging, methinks.

Spendy McSpenderson: £17 on a fabric and upholstery steamer. I have quite a few preloved things that can't really be washed, so here we are.

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