Monday 23 October 2023

Several Mistakes Were Made

So I managed to finish washing and drying all the baby clothes, and sat down to sort them all out. At this point I realised: I had tons and tons, but almost none of them in the size I'd need when baby first comes home. This was immensely frustrating, so I took myself back to the baby bank and got a couple more bags of stuff.

Side note: I nabbed a cool baby floor playgym thing (no toys included but it has the mat and stand etc and I can add any that I like myself). I also got a cool booster seat high chair thing, can either sit on the floor with its own tray, or be attached to a dining chair. Exactly the kind I had wanted.

So after my foray into the baby bank, I made double-duty of the driving (yay adulting) and went off to the supermarket. At this point it was after 12 and I wasn't feeling great, having not really eaten breakfast and somehow convincing myself that I'm still about 30 and just fine without food until mid-afternoon. Sat in the carpark shovelling an apple... decided I was ok to go in. I was clearly not, as I bought a few things I needed, but neglected to really buy any snack food (really?!) or meals.

Except for my reduced stone-baked veggie supreme fresh pizza. Which is delicious, by the way. Anyway.

I then fought with the till trying to use a gift card before the kind attendant printed the transaction receipt for it, showing it had been used. I then fought with the too many groceries and somehow lugged them all to the car in a basket and various bags. (Why do I not just treat myself to a trolley? I've even got a token thingy for them.) Got in the car absolutely exhausted. Eventually drove home, lugged it all inside, put the cold stuff away, collapsed (exhausted). Did not move until I'd demolished a Cornish pasty and a snack bar, and had a large glass of water. I then turned and happened to look at my shelf, where I saw... two bags of baby clothes and a box of baby clothes.

Yes, dear Reader, they were, in fact, mostly items in newborn size. Collected, washed and put aside at some point, then completely forgotten.

And yes, the new bags full of newborn clothing are in the washer right now. Do I never learn?

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