Friday 13 October 2023

Manifesting The Jeep

So I did not buy 18 more tickets on the Bentley. Instead, I bought one ticket on the Jeep, and two more raffle tickets on the lucky dip. All free, of course, using my site credit (I still have £85 in credit and I'll just wait for more interesting draws to use it up). I still don't want the car, so I'm only choosing draws where you can take the prize as cash. It will be nice to have a chunk of cash when I win. Manifesting.

I also found an item of clothing that I bought but no longer need or want, and realised it was from Old Fave supermarket, so off I went to get a refund and to spend my vouchers. I got my £7 worth of store credit, filled my basket, then promptly forgot about the vouchers and paid the other £9 by card. I realised what I'd done as I was walking to the car. Never mind, I also forgot 4 items I'd wanted, so back I went and spent some of the vouchers.

The local free antenatal class which I'd missed out on has had an opening come up - meaning I don't need to spend £100+ on driving to one six times in the next town. So I'm very pleased about that. Apparently I've only missed the "getting to know you" session which didn't much interest me in the first place. I attend the second session this week and it's a 10 minute walk. 😊

The tax office has sent me a mean letter and is evidently not happy with my self-created payment plan. I've just waited through half an hour of dog-awful waiting music... 🎵 ...but on the plus side, the advisor was lovely and has allowed me to pay less, and will put the mean letter on hold until January when they'll reassess me. Huge win.

Food club gave me free eggs, a tin of white beans, a bag of bread rolls and a mystery pastry bag - which had two lovely chocolate croissants, eagerly demolished. There's some frustrating substitution going on in the buying section, the loo roll now looks half the size it used to be and the protein options have diminished... so I just bought a small basket full, and will try to remember the price is great, and it still helps me. 😊

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